Programming in HTML, CSS & JavaScript

المستوى متوسط
الاختصار HTML, CSS & JavaScript

وصف الدورة

This course is part of the Microsoft Professional Program Certificate in Front-End Web Development. It introduces HTML, JavaScript and CSS as programming and markup languages that are used to create web applications.

Trainees will gain experience in each language individually and then combine them together to create compelling web application solutions. This course includes hands-on labs that enable the learner to build basic HTML pages that are the components of a web application used to solve real-world problems.

أهداف الدورة

Upon completion of this course, trainees should be able to:

  • Explore the historical context and justification for HTML
  • Create HTML5 documents
  • Use HTML elements to add content to a HTML page
  • User hyperlinks to connect various HTML pages together
  • Capture user input using forms
  • Create content using HTML5 semantic elements
  • Create SVG Graphics
  • Create CSS stylesheets
  • CSS rule sets and selectors
  • Layout HTML elements using CSS margin and padding
  • Implement program logic using JavaScript
  • Leverage HTML5 APIs using JavaScript
  • Implement advanced web applications using jQuery, AngularJS, Bootstrap, Type Script or Sass

الشريحة المستهدفة

The target audience for this training course is individuals of all levels who are interested in learning about the core skills necessary for web development.

Basic HTML markup and structure
HTML components and elements
Basic CSS Style Definitions
Basic JavaScript Programming
نظرة عامة

This course teaches basic tasks that are necessary to create web applications with a strong semantic structure, re-usable style components and custom interactive features.

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